Day: May 27, 2024

Immersion Rotations T2W1 2024

In team 4 room 6’s teacher is Ms. Tuia. We had to do rotations and room 7 had to go over to room 6. Once room 7 reached there we lined up straightley but loudly and waited for Ms. Tuia to come out. After maybe 3 or 4 minutes she came out and let us in. Ms. Tuia explained to us that we had to choose some music that matches our emotions, for example if there was a music that makes you proud or happy then we had to add the music that makes us match our emotions. Everyone tried it and Ms. Tuia’s one was my favourite.


 Our next one after Ms. Tuia’s was about colours. Actually colours match our emotions and for some people when they are embarrassed or mad they rather turn pink or red. So for the task room 7 had to take a happy emoji or something else from google to put it on the slide that has the emotion happy! And on the right side of the task we had to take a photo of ourselves matching the emotion.. We had so much fun doing it.


After Ms. Tumahia’s colour task we now had to move onto Ms. Sio. Ms. Sio was about acting and expressing ourselves. For example room 7 each had a line to say and so we all had to say it in an emotion she chooses. For me I had to say “open the window!” like if it was after doing a long run. My favourite was of course the robot! Why? Because I can barely sound like a robot. People doing robot voices are so cool, it was like the person voicing the robot was apathetic and smooth. Soon after a long time on the mat we had to get up and find a seat so room 7 could do our task since there was only 6/5 minutes left. For our task we had to have 5 emotions and 5 lines to say so I chose to say it after a long run,like a superhero, like I’m talking to a toddler,like I’m saying it excitingly and like I’m nervous. We, room 7 had so much fun with Ms. Sio. 


Next up we had Mr. Hughes! Room 7 walked in and sat down on the mat so we could all find out what this rotation was about. After a few minutes down on the mat discussing it everyone realised we had what Mr. Hughes called it “Emotion Train.”We had to go outside and so Mr. Hughes chose one person to act out an emotion. That’s when the train began. my mind said so many things because the person acting out the emotion looks like they were sad? Worried? Confused? And scared. The train stopped and now we had to say what the emotion was. One person put their hand up and instantly said “sad!” and it was correct. We had so much fun doing this so I would put this as my second favourite rotation.


Now it was our teacher Ms. Parrant taking us and showing us through her rotation. We had to do 2 activities which were freeze frame and bus stop.We had to do the emotion version for the bus stop. The emotions on the papers were happy,sad,shocked,bored and successful. We rotated around and finished writing on each paper. Room 7 now had to do freeze frames. The story was about goldilocks and the three bears! My favourite book. We took pictures like running after goldilocks, (I was a bear) Eating the porridge and some other freeze frames. We all had fun but I was a bit upset we had to finish doing rotations.

Vocabulary Task: Bravery

Task Description: Hello and this is my vocabulary task. I had to talk about the word bravery. I had to match,show and look. I managed to get as much as information as I could.

My favourite part to do was the Word association because it was the easiest. My least favourite part was the showing pictures because I could find heaps of images that I like but I know it wouldn’t fit. It would fit if I crop out the parts.


Task Description: its 2024 and we are learning anzac. These are my five facts about anzac/anzac day. This was very fun and cool to talk about because of kiddle. Kiddle is an website that has facts for kids and all.

My favourite one to talk about was what Anzac stands for. Anzac if you didn’t know stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

Charcter Development

Task Description: For term 2 reading task was about charcter development. We had to talk and explain about 4 polynesian charcters. As you can see the first ones name is Aki Tua Toi, The second one is Aqua Tua Toi, The third one is Vliliami Wing and the last one is Isabella Wood.

I talked about their description, personality, name and power. My favourite one to do was of course the last one. For the last one its about a woman named Isabella Wood petrifing men and woman by her stunning amazing and wonderful beauty. My favourite table to write on the part you had to explain their powers.

Respone to text: Samoan Language Week

Welcome to Samoa 

(Response to Text)

  • What is the capital of Samoa?
  1. a) Wellington
  2. b) Apia
  3. c) Auckland
  4. d) Savai’i

  • Samoa is made up of how many main islands?
  1. a) 1
  2. b) 2
  3. c) 5
  4. d) 10

  • What is the main religion in Samoa? 
  1. a) Hinduism
  2. b) Christianity
  3. c) Islam
  4. d) Buddhism

  • Which of these is NOT a common crop grown in Samoa? 
  1. a) Coconuts
  2. b) Apples
  3. c) Bananas
  4. d) Taro

  • Describe what the landscape of Samoa looks like


The landscape of Samoa has many mountains. The colours of the mountains are dark green, green and forest green. The beautiful glossy crystal water is in the middle with more space. You can see the reflection of the water. There’s multiple houses filling the main part of the island and only a little bit far out back. All of the mountains go up and down like a rocky hill. Closely there are pink flowers sticking out from a mountain. 

  • What is tapa cloth, and how is it made?


A tapa cloth is a traditional craft.

A tapa cloth is made by beating up bark from mulberry trees until it’s soft and decorated with designs.

  • The text mentions that tourism is the most important industry in Samoa. What does this tell you about the beauty and attractions of Samoa?


This question is telling me about how tourism is important and what it means about the beauty and attraction of Samoa. 

For me Samoas beauty and attraction is important to tourism because Samoas beautiful places,landscape and resturants are famous and tourists from almost all over the world come over to see and visit. Even some famous people come to be tourists just to see Samoas Lalomanu, To sua ocean and lava fields.