Tag: 2024

The Great Car Clean-Out (Play)

Task Description: For today’s task was about The great car clean-out. Its all about a play. I had my own script and I was the dad. For me the hardest part to do was to remember my lines and remember where the phone was. The easiest part of this script was that it was a short one. Please leave a positive comment on my blog! thank you.

Emotion Train

Task Description:

Next up we had Mr. Hughes! Room 7 walked in and sat down on the mat so we could all find out what this rotation was about. After a few minutes down on the mat discussing  everyone realised we had what Mr. Hughes called it “Emotion Train.”We had to go outside and so Mr. Hughes chose one person to act out an emotion. That’s when the train began. my mind said so many things because the person acting out the emotion looks like they were sad? Worried? Confused? And scared. The train stopped and now we had to say what the emotion was. One person put their hand up and instantly said “sad!” and it was correct. We had so much fun doing this so I would put this as my second favourite rotation. Thank you for reading! bye.

Freeze Frames

Task Description:

Now it was our teacher Ms. Parrant taking us and showing us through her rotation. We had to do 2 activities which were freeze frame and bus stop.We had to do the emotion version for the bus stop. The emotions on the papers were happy,sad,shocked,bored and successful. We rotated around and finished writing on each paper. Room 7 now had to do freeze frames. The story was about goldilocks and the three bears! My favourite book. We took pictures like running after goldilocks, (I was a bear) Eating the porridge and some other freeze frames. We all had fun but I was a bit upset we had to finish doing rotations. Thank you for reading this leave a positive comment on my blog! bye.


Music & Emotions

Task Description:

In team 4 room 6’s teacher is Ms. Tuia. We had to do rotations and room 7 had to go over to room 6. Once room 7 reached there we lined up straightley but loudly and waited for Ms. Tuia to come out. After maybe 3 or 4 minutes she came out and let us in. Ms. Tuia explained to us that we had to choose some music that matches our emotions, for example if there was a music that makes you proud or happy then we had to add the music that makes us match our emotions. Everyone tried it and Ms. Tuia’s one was my favourite. Leave a positive comment! bye.

Cybersmart Challenge: Quality Blog Comment

Task Description: Hello guys and this is my 3rd time doing the cybersmart challenge. This cybersmart challenge was diffucult and I had to keep on removing and moving words around like as if im scattering pieces. The positive thing about my comment was the part I said this blog post was so amazing. The thoughtful thing about my comment was when I said the work was so good and doesnt have any mistakes. And lastly the helpful part of my comment was the fact. I think its the fact because maybe the person I told the comment to can use it maybe in the future or now.

Cybersmart challenge: Quest

Task Description: Yay! so I did the cybersmart challenge again and I did a quest. This was my first quest and I read through all of them and made sure to choose the right one, I finally got all of them correct and I was so happy because now I am a Kawa of Care Champion! thank you cybersmart challenge people.

Cybersmart Challenge: Screenshots

Task Description: Hello Guys! I am so happy, why? because I am doing the Cybersmart Challenge. This cybersmart challenge task was probably my first ever one and one of my favourites. This cybersmart challenge was about screenshots. How to screenshot like the whole thing or a partial screenshot. I also had to make a creature using some screenshots on google. My creature is a kind and wonderful one. And if I had to name my creature the name would be Monstrosity since it would be big in real life.